Creative October: Calm

October's museum theme is CALM.

All month, I'll be looking for moments of calm in museums, because #PhD... It's only been a month since I started my PhD program here in Montréal, but I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed. My museum attendance has also been dwindling (moment of honesty: I only went to two museums last month *gasp*!). So why not balance my need for calm with some peaceful museum visits? 

The mascot for this month's museum theme is this contemplative woman from the Louvre's galleries of Ancient Greek statuettes. These peaceful galleries feel like a sort of home to me; they are almost always empty and quiet. While there may not be many visitors, the small statuettes are packed so tightly in the vitrines that you have to get up close to fully take them in. Visiting these galleries feels like uncovering treasures.

Here are some of my favorite past posts about calm in museums
Recharging in Copenhagen's Nationalmuseet | Meditating in the Musée Zadkine | At Home in the Louvre | Smell the Roses at the Château de Malmaison | Poussin et Dieu Exhibition at the Louvre

This museum theme is part of a series! Previous months focused on LOVEOUTDOORS, and TECHNOLOGY.