Creative September: Women

September's museum theme is WOMEN.

All month, I'll be highlighting women in museums: women as subjects, women as artists, women as museum workers.

The mascot for this month's museum theme is this utterly celebratory Nana by Niki de Saint Phalle. According to Tate Liverpool: "The Nanas, large-scale and brightly colored sculptures of women, were voluptuous goddess-like creatures. Triumphant and larger than life, they are enduring emblems of maternity and femininity." I met my first Nanas in a 2014 exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris, and I fell in love with their joie de vivre

Here are some of my favorite past posts about women in museums
Moms in the Musée d'Orsay | The Queens of the Luxembourg Gardens | Madame Récamier at the Musée du Louvre | Joséphine at the Musée du Luxembourg

This museum theme is part of a series! Previous months focused on LOVEOUTDOORS, and TECHNOLOGY.