Salvaging a sick day

I recently came down with tracheitis, a nasty bacterial inflammation of my trachea. While the majority of my time was spent in bed with a fever and death cough, I accidentally managed to have a lovely sick day.

My doctor's appointment wasn't until the late afternoon, and it wasn't long before I was bored. I decided to bake a glazed lemon and blueberry loaf, in the hopes that the oven's heat will kill all the germs I had inevitably added to the mix. 

Glazed lemon and blueberry loaf

My doctor's office is a ten-minute bus ride from my home, and a stone's throw from the Luxembourg Gardens. This meant that after my appointment, and subsequent trip to the pharmacy for my codeine cough syrup, I strolled (and coughed) through the sunny gardens, admired the springtime colors. 

Flower, Jardin du Luxembourg, Garden

Feeling exhausted, I plopped myself down at one of the outdoor tables of the nearby Bread & Roses tearoom. I soaked in the March sun, sipped a lovely Earl Grey and savored a bowl of fresh fruit salad full of healing vitamins.

Fruit, Bread and Roses, Paris

If you're going to be sick, you might as well be sick in a lovely place.

Bread and Roses, Paris